Alcala Yearbook 2006

Smith, Shawn P (San Diego. CA)

Solas, Nicole L (East Greenwich . RI) Senior . English. 524-02 Solie, Kate C (Sacramento. CA) J u n ior. Busin ess Administration. Business Admin istration Soliguen, Maxine (Alta Loma. CA) Fresh man . Undeclared FUSO Sollars, Stephanie M (Escondido. CA) Sophomore. Undeclared Son, Michelle (Fullerton. CA) Freshman. Undeclar ed Sonen, Amanda P (Honolu lu. H I) Sophomore. Industrial and Systems Engineerin g. M athem atics Song, David G (Monterey Park. CA) Junior. Biology Sophabmixay, John L (Santa Ana. CA) Fr eshman . Mechan ical Engineering Beta Theta Pi Fraternity Sorensen, Christine E (Irvi n e. CA) Senior. Busi n ess Administration Soriano, Bianca (El Centro. CA) Freshman. Undeclar ed Sorrell, Casey J (Martinez. CA) Freshman. Undeclared Sorrentino, Remi L (Palm Dese1·t. CA) Freshman, Undeclar ed Soto, Emmeline H (La Quinta. CA) Freshman, Biology, Spanish ME.Ch.A. Association of Chicana A ctivists Soto, Ziara R (San Ysidro. CA) Fr eshm an . Accounting Soto, Megan (Alhambra. CA) Sophomore. Undeclar ed Soto, Yesenia (Montebello. CA) Freshman . Liberal Stud ies Mor t ar Board-Alcala Sen ior Honor Society. Sigma T au Delta- English Honor Society. Universi ty We are so proud of you. God bless you in a ll you do. Love Dad. Mom. Ash and A lly Soun, Amanda K (Diamond Bar. CA) Sophomore. Undeclared Spadafora, Tina M (Ocean City. NJ) Freshman. Busin ess Administration Soule, Andrea Marie (Hunti n gton Beach, CA) Sen ior . English. Spanish

Spangenberg, Elizabeth J (New Orlean s. LA) Freshman . Psychology. Span ish Running. Toreros-Women 's Rowing Speirs, Lauren F (Simi Valley, CA) Sen ior. English. Creden t ial Program Spencer, Jamie (Palm Desert. CA) Freshman. Undeclared Toreros-Cheer leader Sperco, Caitlin E (Scottsdale. AZ) Sophomore. Undeclared Spillner, Michael I (Fresno. CA) Freshman. Undeclared Spillner, Justus (Fresno. CA) Freshman . Undeclared Spindler, Michelle C (Boise. ID) Junior. Sociology. Business Administration Spink, Kelley M (Bakersfield. CA) Freshman , Undeclared Spinney, John D (Winnetka. IL) Freshman. Undeclared Sprague , Amber N (San Diego. CA) Sophomore. Undeclared Spyra, Daniel P (Los A lamitos. CA) Junior, Busi n ess Admi n istration St. John, Jamie L (Poway. CA) Freshm an . Undeclared St. Martin, Jean-Marie (San Diego. CA) Junior. Business Administration Staab, Joseph M (El Cajon. CA) Sophomore. Business Administration Football Staggs, Kimberly A (San Diego. CA) Senior. Marin e Scien ce Stahnke, Nichole J (San Diego, CA) Sen ior. Undeclared Stanczak, Laura T (Carlsbad. CA) Senior. Art History. Philosophy Stanislawski, Brandon G (Pasaden a, CA) Junior. Urban Studies Stanley, Meagan L (Long Beach. CA) Freshman. Undeclared Stanton, Whitney A (Pasaden a. CA) Junior, Business Admin istration Starck, Mckenna G (Encinitas. CA) Freshman, Undeclared Starita, Michele A (Phoenix. AZ) Junior. Accountancy

Stark, Michael D (La Jolla. CA)

Freshman. Undeclared Smith, Alexandra R (Santa Barbara. CA) Junior . English. L eader ship

Sophomore. H istory Starke, Nicholas S (Lee'S Summit. MO) Jun ior. Inter disciplin ar y Humanities Starrs, Dylan G (Dallas. TX) Freshman. Undeclared God bless you on a great year in Cal iforn ia! Thanks jor bringing us out there! We love you! Mom &. Dad Staton, Michael A (El Centro. CA) Jun ior. Psychology Staver, Michael (Ruch. OR) Sophomore, Busi ness Economi -::s Delta T au Delta Fraternity. Soccer Staylor, Danielle M (Yukipa, AK) Post Baccal aure. German. A r t History Bocce. Order of Omega. Mascot Stebbens, Colleen (Santa Barbara. CA) Sophomore. Undeclared Steck, Bryan M (Valencia. CA) Freshman . Political Scien ce. Sociology Stedem, Katherine R (Colorado Springs. CO) Junior . Psychology. Busi ness Admin istration Steele, Andrew P (Tem ecula, CA) Fr eshman. Music Steiner, Jennifer M (St. Louis. MO) Senior. Communication Studies. Bu siness Administration Steinman, Adam H (San Diego. CA) Sophomor e. Busin ess Admin istration. Leadersh ip Stenger, Kirby J (Eden Prairie. MN) Junior, Art History . Busin ess Adm in istration Stephens, Edward P (Si Singapore) Freshman . Undeclared Sterling, Anna Marie (Fremont. CA) Freshman. Political Science. T heatr e Arts A lpha Phi Sorority, FUSO. Phi A lpha Delta Pr e-Law Fraternity. Africa Aid . T h eatre Depai·tment Stern, Eric G (Scottsdale. AZ) Jun ior. Business Admin istration Sterr, Peter L (Vancouver. WA) Fresh m an. Undeclar ed Steuer, Lee K (Coronado. CA) Senior. Interdisciplinary Human ities, Anthropology Alpha Delta Pi Sorority

Smith, Aurelia R (Hemingford. NE) Junior. In ter disciplinary Humanities Smith, Matthew S (Poway. CA) Fresh m an. Busi ness Admin istration Smith, Kyle Whitney (Apple Valley. CA) Sophomore. Biochemistry Smith, Cecelia (Darien . CT) Sophomore. Undeclared Smith, Mariah (Carson. NV) Sophomore. Busin ess Administration . Biology Smits, Joseph T (Rancho Cucamonga. CA) Junioi-. Busin ess Adm inistration . Political Scien ce Smoot, Cynthia M (Honolulu. H I) Sophomor e. Undeclar ed Smythe, Andrew M (Los Gatos. CA) Freshman. Un declared Snavely, Scott R (St. Louis, MO) Senior. Accou ntan cy Sigm a Ph i Epsilon Fraternity. Accounting Society. National Society Freshman. Undeclared Snodgress, Michael J (Red lands. CA) Junior. Undeclar ed Snow, Philip A (East Windsor. NJ) Freshman. Busin ess Admin istration Snow, Scott K (Orinda. CA) Freshman. Undeclared Snyder, Alexis L (Toms River. NJ) Sen ior. Sociology Snyder, Justin R (El Cajon. CA) Freshman . Undeclar ed Soares, Ricardo B (San D iego. CA) Sophomore. Communication Studies Soi, Neha (Sammamish . WA) Freshman. Undeclared Solare, Danielle K (Westlake V illage. CA) Junior, Communication Studies. Busi ness Administration Solares, Renee M (San Diego, CA) Sen ior. Sociology of Collegiate Scholar s Snelgrove, Mary Ellen (Newport Beach. CA)

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