Alcala Yearbook 2006
Giracello, Michael P (Poway. CA) Junior. Business Admin istration Girard, Camille M (San Diego. CA) Sophomore. L iberal Studies Giroux, Sean J (Coto De Caza. CA) Sophomore. Business Administration Given, Laura Marie (Glen E llyn. IL) Freshman. Undeclared Gland, David J (Omaha. NE) Senior. Business Administration Glasgow, Nicholas A (Denver. CO) F reshman. U n declared Glass, Kevin T (Los Angeles. CA) Freshman. Mechanical Engineering Black Student Union . Jewish Student Union. Toreros-Cheerleader Glass, Laurel (Tulsa. OI<) Sophomore. Undeclared Gleason, Sarah N (Poulsbo. WA) Freshman. Undeclared Toreros-Women's Swimming Gleeson, Kelly J (La Jolla. CA) F1·eshman . Business Administration Glenn, Emily J (Washington. DC) Senior. Psychology. Biology K appa K appa Gamma Sorority. Order of Omega. Psi Chi Honors Society Glickman, Holly E (Lake Oswego. OR) Senior. Communication Studies. L eadership Congratulations! You made the adventure happen in 4 years! Way to go! Love Mom. Dad and Amy Glotz, Aimee L (El Segundo. CA) Freshman. L iberal Studies. Gender Studies Goblirsch, Thomas F (Plymouth, MN) Junior. Accountancy. H istory Godwin, Alissa S (Sierra Madre. CA) Sophomore. Communication Studies. Business Administration Gamma Phi Beta Soro1·ity Goebels, Evan M (Coronado. CA) Senior. Business Admin istration. Italian Godinez, Cynthia (Mission Hills. CA) Junior. Accountancy
Goehring, Kelly M (Albuquerque. NM)
Golofit, Joanna A (Aliso Viejo. CA) Sophomore. Undeclared Goltz, Jessica M (Fort Collins. CO) Freshman. Undeclared
Gonzalez, Eric G (Mission Viejo. CA)
Seni01·. Psychology. Spanish K appa Alpha Theta Sorority. National Society of Collegiate Scholars. Associated Students. Psi Chi Honors Society Goethals, Patrick J (Newport Beach. CA) Freshman. Undeclared Hope u have a great t ime. Goforth, Katherine E (Littleton . CO) Sophomore. Commun ication Studies. Histor y Golba, Julie M (Villa Park. IL) Freshman . Undeclared Goldberg, Darren A (Sun V alley. ID) Senior. Economics. Business Administr ation Goldberg, Brit D (Bellevue. WA) Sophomore. Accountancy. Political Science Goldfarb, Natalie Grace (F'allbrook. CA) Jun ior. Psychology. Business Administration Kappa K appa Gamma Sorority. Order of Omega. National Society of Collegiate Scholars, Psi Chi Honors Society Goldfarb, Rachael H (F'allbrook. CA) Junior. Business Administr ation. Speech Communication Kappa K appa Gamma Sorority. Panhellenic Council. Order of Omega Goldfinch, Bryanna M (Vancouver. WA) Freshman. Psychology, Biology A lpha Chi Omega Sorority Goldkamp, Nadine F (San Diego. CA) Junio1·. Business Admin istr ation. Spanish Goldman, Nicholas F (Mar Vista. CA) Junior. Business Administration . Italian Keep up the good work! Love Mom and Dad
Freshman. Undeclared Gonzalez, Ernesto G (San Diego, CA) Freshman . French. Spanish French Club. Assoc iation of Chicana Activists Gonzalez, Steve H (South Gate. CA) Senior. Accountancy. Spanish ME.Ch .A Gonzalez, Vincent J (San Diego. CA) Senior. Chemistry. Biology Phi Delta Epsi lon: Pre-Medical Fraternity Gonzalez, Jose R Freshman . Undeclared Gonzalez, Patricia S (Norwalk . CA) Senior. Psychology. Busin ess Admin istration Gonzalez, Elizabeth V (Dove Canyon. CA) Sophomore. Undeclared Gonzalez, Angelica (Santa Ana . CA) Junioc Communication Studies. Sociology Gonzalez, Carmen (Laguna Hills . CA) Sophomore. Spanish. Credential Program Gonzalez, Juan (Coachella. CA) Junior. Biology. Chemistry Goodall, Whitney C (Poway. CA) Freshman . Undeclar ed Goodman - Triolo, Christopher (London - Chiswick) Freshman. Undeclared Goodrum, Stephanie M (Coto De Caza. CA) Juni01·. Psyc h ology. Sociology Goodspeed, Jessica A (San Diego. CA) Freshman. Undeclared Kappa A lpha Theta Sorority. Econom ics Club. Student Alumni A ssociation Gordon, Elizabeth C (La Jolla. CA) Senior. Anthropology Gordon, Nicholas G (Westport. CT ) Freshman. Undeclared Gordon, Julia L (Irvine. CA) Junior , Business Administration Gordon, Christopher (Flint. MI) Senior. Psychology. Economics (San Diego. CA) Junior. Spanish Gonzalez, Nicholas R (San Diego. CA)
Tennis. Volleyball Gomez, Giselle A (Thousand Oaks. CA) Sophomore. Communication Studies. Spanish Gomez, Andrew J (Claremont. CA) Junior. Bus iness Administration Gomez, Christina L (Chula Vista. CA) Junior. Busin ess Admin istration Gomez, Basilia (Valley Center. CA) Senior. Political Science. Span ish Gomez, Lissette (Santa Ana. CA) Junior. Psyc hology. Spanish Psychology Club. Association of Chicana Activists Gomez, Ruth (Santa Ana. CA) Sophomore. Undeclared Gonsalves, Robert M (San Diego. CA) Senior. Political Science. Philosophy Gonsenheim, Eric A (Coronado. CA) Junior. Business Economics Gonsenheim, Melissa (Coronado, CA) Senior. Psychology. Gender Studies Gonzales, Justin E (Carlsbad. CA) Sophomore. Undeclared Gonzales, W Giovanni (Santa Fe. NM) F1·eshman. International Relations. Italian Cycling Gonzales, Pauline M (San Diego. CA) Sophomore. English. Spanish Gonzales, Camille R (Carmel. CA) Sophomore. Undeclar ed Gomez-Fierro, Violeta (Tijuana. Mex ico) Sophomor e. Business Administration. Spanish Alpha Chi Omega Sorority Gong, Vanessa L (Orinda. CA)
Goldman, Kristina N (Westlak e Vi llage. CA) Freshman. Undeclared
Goldman, Julie R (Palm Desert. CA)
Freshman. Undeclared Gonzales, Janelle Y (Baker sfield. CA) Freshman. Undeclared Speed Soccer Gonzalez, Cristina E
Sophomore. Undeclared Goldsmith, Lindsay R (Redmond. WA) Junior. Accountancy Golenia, Vanessa B (Chula Vista. CA)
(Altan10nte Springs. FL) Freshman. Undeclared Gonzalez, Vanessa E (Long Beach. CA) Freshman. Undeclared ME.Ch.A. United Front. Associated Students. Ambassador's Club
Senior. Accountancy Golob, Rosanne M (Valen cia. CA) Freshman. Undeclared A lpha Delta Pi Sorority. Speed Soccer
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