Alcala Yearbook 2006
Delgado, Elyana (Nation al CiLy. CA) Freshman . Undeclared Della Rocchetta, Mary A (Los Galos. CA) Sophomore. Undeclared Delodder, Ryan G (Houston. TX) Senior. Biology Torcros-Men·s Rowing Delsi, Kazuyo U (J Deunamuno, Jasmin U [Chula V isla . CA ) Freshman . Undeclared Devincenzo, Anthony M (Manorville. NY) Junior. Business Admini slration Devine, Bridget A (Bloomfi cld Hill. Ml) Senior Devlin, Maureen C (Ocean side. CA) Sophomore. Liber al Studies Devore, Siobhan (Sa n Diego. CA ) SP. Undeclared Deyling, Tyler J (Lak eside. A) Junio1·. I lislory . Polilica l Scien ce Deyoung, Meryl E (Salinas. CA) Freshman. Undeclared Deyoung, Jennifer T [C lovis. CA ) Junior. Business Economics Dezso, Matthew C (Wcslpon. CT ) ophomo1·c. Business Admini str ation Dhanani, Adam A (I lem eL. CA) Freshman . Biology. Malhemalics Dharia, Karan R (Fullerton. CA) Freshman. Biology. pani sh Diaconou, Lydia R (Feder al Way. WA) Sophomore. Bu siness Administr ation Diamond, Nicholai C (Seallle. WA) Junior. Politica l Scien ce. Phi losophy Diamond, Jason P (Lak e O wego. OR) Junior. Bu si ness Adm inislralion Senior . Politi cal Scien ce. English Alph a Delta Pi Sorority. Phi Alph a Della Pre-Law Fr aternity . M .E .Ch .A. Diaz, Alana N (Chu la Vista. CA) Freshman . Undeclared Diaz, Kimberley N (La Jolla. CA) Junior. Accoun tan cy Diaz, Christopher (Cam ari llo. CA) Freshman. Undeclar ed Diaz, Maritza (Boni ta. CA) Senior. Psychology. Communicalion Studies Diaz, Yolanda (Fon Lana. CA ) Sophomore. Biology. Math em alics Dichter, Daniel H (Simi Va lley. CA) Senior. Busi n es Administration. Accoun tan cy Diaz, Melissa M (San Diego. CJ\ ) Dickinson, Natalie (Lak e Oswego. OR) Senior. Imerdisciplinary Hum anities. Psych ology Dickson, Jaclyn M (Dallas. TX) Doan, Kathryn N (San Diego. CA ) Senior. Biology Doane, Thomas R (Arvada. CO) Sophomore. Philosophy . Business Administration Dockstader, Alison K (Rock v ille. UT) Freshman. Undeclared Alph a Phi Soro1·ity Dodge, Kelly M (Van Nuys. CA) Sophomore. Engli h Dodig, Darko (Medjugorje. B. I Hercegovina) Senior. Busin ess Adm inistrat ion. Economics Doeneka, Lauren J (Portland. OR) Junior. Biology Doering, Natalie A (Sacr amento. CA) Sophomore. Lib r al Studi es Dohren, Rebecca L (Sa11 Diego. CA) Junior. Commu nication SLUdi es. Leade1·ship Dolan, Whitney J (Lilchficld. MN ) Sophomore. Communica tion Studies. Political Scien ce Dolkas, Allyson N [San Clem em e. CA ) Senior. Communica tion Sludics. Spanish Dollman, John C (San Diego. CA) Junior. Econ omi cs. Business Administration Junior. Polit ical Scien ce Dominguez, Brenda J (San Diego. CA) Jun ior. Sociology. Spanish Doms, Taylor [Manhatt an Beach. CA) Freshman. Communica tion Studies. Spanish Domer, Andrew P [Yorba Linda. CA) Sophomore. Business Administration. Music Toreros-Ch ee1·Ieader Didier, Cindy P (La J olla. CA) Sen ior. Psychology. An History Congratulation Ci nd y . we are so Proud qf You.' Love 1/om and Dad Dierker, Kyle J (La Quinta. CA) Freshman. ndeclared DiGregorio, Daniela (Westlake Village. CA ) Sophomore. Communi calion Studies Diiorio, Gina L (Bou lder . CO) Freshman . Undeclar d Dileva, Christina C (San Diego. CA) ,Junior. Communication Studi es. Dillard, Diana M [ olana Beach . CA) Freshman. Internation al Relations. Spanish Equestri an Dilling, Julie E (Fresno. CA) Junior. Biology. Spanish Alcala Club . Gamma Phi Beta Sorority . Phi Delta Epsilon (Pre-Med) DiLoretta, Nicolas A (Dove Cany on . CA) Junior. Business Admin istration Dipietro, Lucas D [Pasadena. CA ) Freshman. Undeclared Hey Luke - we hope your.freshman year w a one 'u/Limw e' experi ence.' Politica l Scien ce Dilillo, Natalie S (Beverly Hills. CA) Sophomore. Undeclared Denham, Kelsey M (La i un a I lills. CA) Sophomore. ndcclared Shopping. Beach. Movie . Reading Denning, Travis P (San Fran cisco. CA) Senior. Communication SLUdies. English Dennis, Katelyn M (Sar aLO Love. Dad and Mom Disston, Melissa C (Trabuco Canyon . CA) Sophomore. Business Admin istration Donahue, Kyle J (Mission V iejo. CA) Sophomore. Undeclared Donahue, Anthony W (Va lley Center . CA) Freshman . Undeclar ed Donald, Catherine A (New York. I\Y) Freshman. Undeclared Dondanville, Mark S (San Gabriel. CA) Sophomore. Undeclared Donnellan, Matthew J [lsla11cl Park. NY) Freshman. Und c lared Donnelly, Maria E (San Diego. CA) Sophomore. ndeclared Divello, Danielle N (I laddon HeighLs . I J ) Freshman. Undeclared Dix, Joan M (T elluride. CO) Sophomore. Undeclared Dixon, Bridget F (A uburn . WA) Junior. Biology. Ch emistry Diy, Krystina T [El Se Directory • 27 l
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