Alcala Yearbook 2006
Barttelbort, Brooke A (San Diego. CA ) Junior. Communicalion Studies. Busin ess Adm in istration Barulich, Lauren M (llillsborough . CA) Fre hman . U ndeclared LB. We are so proucl of you! Love. Mom&. Dad Barulich, Zachary W Congraiulalions. Zachary. We are so proud of you! Carpe Diem. Love. Morn & Dad Basha, Joshua C [Ch andler . AZ) Freshman . Undeclared Bass, Michael N (Santee. CA) Senior. Business Administration . Psychology Bateman, Kathryn (Perk asie. PA) Batts, Kelsey K (Bellevue. WA ) F reshman . Undeclared Surfing Baum, Remington T (El Cajon . CA ) Senior. llisto1·y. Philosophy Baumgardner, Joan E (Sun Va lley . ID) Sophomore. Theatre Arts. Fren ch 1 ation al Society of Collegiate Scholars. T ennis. Student Lab Theatre. Founders Ch apel Choir Baur, Kimberly I (Riclgec1·est. CA) Sophomore. Politica l Science Bautista, Efrain (Calex ico. CA) Senio1·. Philosophy. Theology an d Religious Studies Bavasi, Kyle (Mission V iejo. CA) Freshman . Undeclared Bayes, Carlton T [E l Cajon. CA) Sophomore. Busin ess Administration Bayless, Carson M (San Juan Capistrano. CA) Sophomore. Busin ess (Hil lsbo1-ough. CA) Senior. Accounting Accounting Society Sophomore. Undeclared Battaglia, Anthony J (San Diego. CA) Freshman. Undeclared
Barns, Hunter M (Colorado Springs. CO) Senioc Industria l and System s r-:ngin eering . l l istory
Bankoff, Margaret A (A tl anta. GA) Senior . ommunication Studies. Art H istory Hannigan, Detgen A (Carlsbad. CA) Senior. Polilical Scien ce Banta, Patrick N (Lex in gton . KY) Junior. Politica l Scien ce
Baker, Cara A (Dallas. TX) Junior. Business Administration. Spanish Baker, Elizabeth A (San Diego. CA) Sophomore. Business Admin istralion Baker, Christy C (Middl etown . RI) Senior. Communicalion Studies. Leadership Toreros-Women's Rowing. Surfing. Softball Baker, Courtney E (Gilberl. AZ) Senior. Politica l Science Baker, Natalie E [Ku la. HI) Freshman. Undeclared Economics Club. Alph a Kappa Psi Honor Society, Softball. Mentor Connection Baker, Elizabeth J (Cincinnati. OH) Junior. Psychology. Spani sh Baker, Emily M Baker, Melissa G (Morgan Hill. CA) Junior, Economics. Spanish
Residen t Adviser Barr, Zachary R (Albuquerque. NM )
Freshman . Uncle lar ecl Barragan, Isidro, Jr [Chu la Vista . CA) Sen ior. Economics. Spani h ME.Ch .A Barrera, Sarah A (Camarillo. CA) Senior . Industrial and Systems Engineering Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority. Society or Women Engineer s. Residen t A sista n1 (RA) Barrera, Alexander R [Santa Ana. CA) Junior. V isual Arts. Psychology Barrera, Amanda R (Rosem ead. CA) Junior. Politi al Scien ce Phi Alpha Delta Pre-Law Fr aternity. Pi Sigm a Alph a [Government). Nat'I Society Collegiate Sc holar s. USO 1&2 Honor s Our Joy-Amanda: A Brilliant Success. Love. Grandma & Grandpa Barrera. A1tnt J ulie&. Uncle Patr ick Barrett, Jennifer A (San Diego. CA) Senior. Politica l Scien ce. Spanish Barrett, Sarah L (Littleton. CO) Sophomore. Undeclared Barrick, Matthew B [Merced. CA) Freshman. Undeclared Barrido, Diana S [Dededo. GU) Senior. Communicalion Studies. Business Aclmini tration Barrios, Louis G (Ramona. CA) Freshman. Uncleclarecl Barron, Rebecca R (Wh ittier . CA) Jun ior. Psychology. Sociology Toreros-Women 's Cross Country Barry, Megan J (Newport Beach . CA) Sophomore. Undeclared Barry, Michael J (Medford. OR) Freshman . Undeclared Barry, Christopher (Los Angeles. CA) Junior. Poli t ica l Science. Business Administratim1 Bartlett, Ashlea N [llailey. ID) Senior, Psychology. Spanish
Barber, Daniel B (Englewood . CO) Sophomore. Undeclared Barbone, Ashley A (G lendora. A) Junior. Accountancy Barbosa, Brian E [Escondido. CA) Sophomore. ndeclarecl Barboza, Eduardo M (Calexico. CA) Junior. Undeclared
Barboza, Kyle R [Ocean side. CA)
Sen ior. Accountancy Barcena, Rafael D (Bonita. CA)
Sen ior. Undeclared Barile, Andrew A (Ran cho Santa Fe. CA) Senior. Business Adm ini stration Barker, Allison A [Omah a. NE) Sophomore. Liberal Studies Barker, Emily A (Escondido. CA) Senior. Ch emistry. Biology Barker, Lindsay J (Valencia. CA) Senior. Pol itica l Scien ce. Span ish Barlow, Nicholas L (Aurora. CO) Senior. 1-: nglish. History We are very proud of you! Love. Mom and Dad Barmasse, Samantha N [Westlak e Vi llage. CA) Freshman . ncleclared Barnes, Charlotte A [K entfielcl . CA ) Sophomore. Undeclared Barnes, Alex G (San Diego. CA) Sen ior. Bu siness Economi cs Barnes, Evan J [Inglewood. CA) Senior. English Barnes, Skyla N [San Diego. CA) Freshman. Undeclared. 8thnic Studies Black Student Union . Bask etbal l. Tenni s Barno, Richard G [San D ie 10. CA) Junior. Busin ess Administrnlion. Undeclar ed Basketball. Footbal l. Snowboarding
(Breck enridge. CO) Sophomore. Biology Bakhtiari, Eric A [Burlingame. CA) Sophomore. Business Administration Balagtas, Jason A (San Diego. CA) Sophomo1·e. Engineering Balatbat, Calvin S (Las Vegas. V) Sen ior. Ch emistry . Biology Baldwin, Keiley N [East Lansing. Ml) Freshman. Undeclared Balfour, Jennifer A [Sacramento. CA) Sophomore. Undeclared Ball, Rory S (San Diego. CA) Sophomor e. Undeclar ed Ballantyne, Michelle L [Folsom. CA) Freshman, Undeclar ed Ballash , Gia P (L as Vegas. VJ Freshman . Undeclared Ballinger, Tammi L (Berea. KY) Graduate. Biology Basketball
Adm in isl ration Bean, Perry B (Westport. CT ) Freshman. Undeclar ed Beason, Caroline G (La Mesa. CA ) Sophomore. Undeclared Beaty, Christopher (Diablo. CA) Freshman. Undeclared
Baltov, Alex (Hou ton. TX) Sophomore. Business Administration Banke , Bonnie Y [Ashland. OR) Sen ior. Business Administration. Leadership
Bartolo , Lauren E [San Gabriel. CA) Freshman. Undeclared Barton, Allison M [Sava ·e. MN) Freshman. U nclerlared
260 • Directory
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