Alcala Yearbook 2006

Laura Carlson - Director of Arts I am the Edrtor of the semester lrterary magazre "Toe Asyum" and the fac1lrtator of the Cpen MIC Niqit montrly concert series. Also, I am the coordinator for the art1St1C and culttral performances on and off campus.

Kendra Quintana - Director of Academic Issues In my posrt1011 I deal with both academic ISSUeS and academic prog-am– m1ng. I work hard to public12e students' corcerns about their academic ervironrnent and I try to plan fU1 programs that cater to a variety of departments and discp11nes.

Francesca Farinacci - Director of Athletics I am responsible for keeping students informed of all sporting act1V1ties and for coord1nat1ng act1.11ties such as pep ra lies, tailgates and bus trps to 'away" events.

Bill Roecker - Director of Computing Liaroi retween sru::lerrts ccrrpJtrg a-1::l tre fe£:a:iated Stu::b1ts. Creates a-1::l mantans fe£:a:iated Stu::b1ts' websrte. CarpJter teal fer fe£:a:iated Stu::b1ts of flees.

Christo Dru - Auditor/ Controller As tre fe£:a:iated Students Ccfltrcter, I Olet:ee tre distri::uti:J'l of fLr,ds to carµ.is crga-iiz.atl'.;ro, i;, a-1::l sru::lerrts. I sit a, tre ~ carmittee t.hat rreets bircrJl::liy to re-er tre pr~ by different reqi..estna flrids. It's basray tre c.a'.kst jCb i1 NS. 154 Club /Organization

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