Alcala Yearbook 2006-2007

Every dream has a beginning; the beginning of this one took place many, many years ago even before your parents were born, In a little old town. In that town where the rule was "girls stay at home and help with chores, boys go to schooland help with farm work," there was this lady who believed that school was the way out to a better life, and that applied to girls too. Everybody thought she was out of her mind, but she did not care and made It her goal to educate all her children. The civil war back home changed many lives, including ours, so we made many changes and adjustments,but the desire of prosperity never changed,and that brings us to the present. Your education and the education of all of our children Is still a strong focus In our family and now with your graduation you are not only achieving your goals but In many ways ours (your whole family's) too. Needless to say, we, your parents are so proud of you, but you already know this, we only hope you continue with the same dedication and perseverance that you have had until now.

With love, Your Parents Rina and Francisco Belloso

PS. Necesltaria un libro entero para expresarte lo orgullosos que nos senĀ· limos de ti, has llenado nuestras vidas de muchas alegrias, y por supuesto de vez en cuando alguna que otra preocupaclon, pero sabre toda alegrla. Solo le podemos decir slgue adelante que esto solo sea el prlnclplo de muchos exltos por venlre. Ahl estaremos para apoyarte y para celebrar contlgo.

Tus padres

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