Alcala Yearbook 2005
Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet garner Golden Globe nominations for Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, which also earns anod for Best Picture. Musical or Comedy :> Johnny Depp scores his second straight Oscar nomination for Best Actor with his performance in Finding Never/and. O Shrek 2 ranks third on the list of the 100 top-grossing movies. with a total haul of just over $436 million.
0 The lncredibles, Pixar and Disney's movie about a superhero family trying to live a normal life in
-0 Jamie Foxx delivers an eerily convincing and Oscar-nominated performance as the late Ray Charles in Ray. -:> Already oaf}led best picture by film critics from New York, to Los Angeles, in,de,:wn,d,en~ (ilm Sideways finds llV.en mF11e celebrity witn a l•Q 11v.en !aol
the suburbs, is a box-ottice smash.
:> Glint Eastwood
directs another hit with MIiiion Dollar Baby, starring lrlilary Swank as a 31 -year-old boxer.
DiCaprio in the role of eccentric billiom1ire Howard Hughes. ~arns eleven Oscar nornin~tions.
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