Alcala Yearbook 2005

Mark D. Johnston

Mark, We are so proud of you and your accom– plishments. You have had challenge along the way that you have alway managed to overcome. We wish you health, happiness and a uccessful future. We Love You , Mom & Dad

Irvin Moi~ Carlin

I, Irvin Moi e Carli n. give my deepe t appr ciation to our Lord Je u , my famil y, friend , USD BA, MCH , PX School and to the San Diego Catholic Di oce e for eventeen exceptional year ofCatholic education. ow, May 2005 a I complete my undergraduate cour e work in Bu ine Admini tration and Spani h at USD, I am glad to have fulfill ed my undergraduate ed ucati onal goal . I hope to a pire to great exp ri ence in the bu ine world and continue my educa ti on to a graduate level or e en further.

of you.


Your Brother

Your Mother

Angello B. Carlin

Maria Lui a Carlin

Your Grandpar nt

Mari a Lui a G. de Carlin






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