Alcala Yearbook 2005

Yes, we can... learn at the cutting edge in a caring, academic environment. EXCffiNG NEW GRAD & PRECEPTORSHIP PROGRAMS FOR RNSI UCSO Hf!3ll/leare l/le only d m1c/li:,ach1ng I .1llty in Sill Diego County !comes you lo befome a pan ol our world class organizauon known for IIS • Lev 11 Trauma deslgnaUon and Bum Cen r • Ranking by USNews & World Report as 18 In resplralDry disorders, 1122 In rhewnalDlogy, 1136 In kidney d] ases, and 1144 In gynecology nationwide • D~ lgnated Comprehens ve cancer Cenl!!r by the National Cancer lnstrt:ute In Cl lJOn to (l)IT1 uu comf)I . uon and some of the I n hlS 1n 1h country we otter r 1oca11on 1.1tanr Jnd sign-on llonu 1


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