Alcala Yearbook 2004

Cheryl Clark- Special Projects

A the Director of Special Projects, I have the opportunity to reach out to the USD community, and the San Diego community a a whole, by putting on AS philanthropic event . I planned a Powder Puff game before Homecoming to boost chool spirit. I have also planned the "Giving Tree," which collects donation from students to give to the greater San Diego area. Al o, I rai e money for the SMILE (Student Making It A Little Ea ier) Award for tudents to give back to student in cholar hip. I also get to create the festive feel of "Winter Wonderland" and the pring break needed during "Springfest."

Jennifer Gibbs- Women's Center

In the Women's Center I help to put on programs that support and educate the campus about women's issues, as well a offer a relaxed, nurturing, and open environment for women. Some of the programs we offer include: a SelfDefense Workshop; Pamper Me Day- a free afternoon of massages, facials, and food; Luna Fest- a film festival of short films made by women for women with proceeds benefiting breast cancer research; and Women's Leadership Conference- Unlocking your Personal Power.

Eunice Shivers- Exec. Office Manager

My job as the Executive Office Manager is to manage the AS Executive Office and maintain its overall organization. I work with the AS President and Executive Board by supporting their plans and activities and see that meetings run smoothly for the entire AS Leadership Team. Also, I hire and manage the AS Executive Secretarie , who take minutes and do tasks for the leadership team. My position is responsible for taking and typing the AS Senate meeting minutes. I also organize the application and interview process whenever there is a vacant position.

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