Alcala Yearbook 2004

Katie McElroy- Film Forum The job of the Director of Film Forum is to program event involving movies to be shown on campus. I also et up event to go into the community and do film related activitie . In addition, I also work on having film fe tival here at school or omewhere that the tudents can attend. I work with a committee to brain– storm new idea that would be of intere t to everyone on campus.

Lai Tu- Historian

As the Historian, my job is to document the event put on by AS via a crapbook and a video. It i my job to document everything that AS does so that I can howcase the best moment of 2003- 2004. I am the liaison between AS and the yearbook, a well a the chool' archivist, and it i my job to provide them with the picture that they need. I also sit on the Marketing Board where I give input on new idea for marketing AS event .

Aaron Franz- Director ofMarketing A the Director ofMarketing, I oversee and direct the activitie of the AS Marketing Department. My primary goal is to promote all AS program through innovative, creative, and effectivemarketing trategie . My job is enhanced and supported by the a istance I receive from the two Assistant Director of Marketing, with whom I collaborate on all marketing reque ts. I al o act a chairman of the Marketing Board which provide an opportunity for variou director to brainstorm ideas to enhance the presence of AS on campus. A Director ofMarketing, I have the plea ure of working with all of the member of the AS leadership team, making my job both dynamic and exciting.

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