Alcala Yearbook 2004

Patrice Amon & Lea Troeh- Community Service

The Center for Awarene , Service, and Action envelope both social issues and community service. With Community Service, we oversee 15 volunteer projects run by student coordinator . These projects include: Habitat for Humanity, BandAids, Tijuana Outreach, and the Linda Vi ta Kids Project. We also engage the USD community in events held on campu , such a Trick or Treat Night and Special Olympics. Remember: "Service is the rent you pay for living." -Marian Wright Edelman

Jessica Kwiatkowski- Commuter Student Affairs

A the Director of Cornrnut r Student Affairs, Je ica addresse all is ue concerning students who live off-campu and commute to USD. Je ica tries to help maintain a comfortable on-campus environment for commuter students. The Director of Commuter Student Affair works on i ue uch a : commuter student parking fee , the parking situation on campus, and a student lounge for commuters. She attends weekly Student Issues Board meetings, during which other AS directors, enators and school leaders work together on issues affecting all student at USD.

Jordan Anderson- Computing A the Director of Computing, I represent the tudent body' computing need . I am the webmaster of the As ociated Stu– dent ' web page and I al o help in the setup of any tudent organization web pace. I it on the Student Is ues Board, a well a the Marketing Board. If anyone ha computer question they come to me.

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