Alcala Yearbook 2004

r s Kath6rln6 Churohlll a t u a t 0 n





''History will be kind to me because I intend to write it!"

- Winston Churchill


congratulations! Krletln Blomet6rv6r~

We are so very proud of all your accompli shments throughout your schoo l years. But grad uating wit h honors from USO make~ all the hard work :,o wort hwhil e. Fo ll ow your dream~ and goa l~ . Love, Dad. Mom & Michele


K1mv6rly Anna Hutohln~e I' ve so enj oyed watching you grow from thi~ adorablechild into the love lywoman you are today. Congratulations on your big day and all your accompli shment s. I can' t wa it to see what the nex t chapter in your life will hold 1 Love, Mom

Let there always be joy and laughter in your life and know that we always love you and will be there for you. You are a wonderful son. We lo ve you, Mo111, Dan & Kelly

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