Alcala Yearbook 2004

Rrt Sftrrm 2003

San Diego on Fire in November

Hav ing been classified as the worst fire season in Sa n Diego histo ry, res id ents watched as the week of November 2nd left Sa n Di– ego, a nd much o f California, rav– aged by uncontrollable fires. By Monda y, 743,000 ac res had a lread y burn ed in Ca liforni a a nd 3,570 homes had been d es troyed , as fires raged thro ug ho u t the so u the rn ha lf of the s ta te. ln San Diego, the fire named "The Cedar Fire" is be li eved to have originated from a los t hunter's fl a re g un o r s ignal fire. This par ticu la r

fire ultima tely burned over 500,000 acres, destroyed 2,500 homes, in– jured over 100 people, and killed 16. Fire fighters from a ll over the s ta te jo ined in rescue effo rts, whi le San Di ego residents were confined to their homes due to the poo r air quality . USO was closed fo r fo ur days a t the mayo r's request that a ll schoo ls be closed . While the remains of the fires ca n st ill be seen throughout San Diego, one must feel grateful to those w ho risked the ir li ves to fight these fires .

Fire Storm 15

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