Alcala Yearbook 2004

From academics to social, community to reli g ious issues, Unive rsity Ministry incorpo– rates a ll aspects of USD life . UM works for th e deve lopment of the full USO community mem– ber, as UM g ives s tudents th e opportunity to participate in liturgy through d a il y and weekly mass, as well as penance services. University Ministry a lso offers outreach a nd community se rvice projects. Students are abl e to learn more about San Di ego while fur– thering th e mi ss ion of th e University. There a re a lso a numbe r of retreats he ld each semes ter th a t answer to the need s of incoming, current, a nd grad ua te s tud e nts, a well as faculty a nd s taff. Seeking to enri ch the e ntire USO ca m– pus, University Mini try s taff and s tud e nts have taken the mi ss ion of mini try fa r beyond church walls, to mini s ter to th e entire person and com– munity .

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