Alcala Yearbook 2004

The fund amenta l purpose of the Sigma Chi Fra ternity is to culti va te a n apprecia ti on of and commitment to the idea ls of fr iend- ship, jus ti ce, and lea rning . These idea ls and objectives have been a t the h ea rt of Sigma Chi s ince its founding by seven men a t Miam i Univers ity in Oxford , Ohi oonJune 28, 1855.


These seven me n believed th a t th e principles th ey p rofessed were im per fec tl y rea li zed in o the r fr a te rn a l organi zat io ns. Altho ug h thi s v is io n of Sigma Chi was based upon the no ti on o f sh a red idea ls, th ese me n be li eved th a t tru e b ro th erh ood woul d thri ve bes t amongs t men o fdiffe rent temperame nts, ta lents, a nd conv icti ons. Our guiding p rin cip les, un cha nged fo r a lmos t 150 yea rs, continue to d e fin e th e essence o f Sigma Chi. Sigma Chi be li eves th a t genuine fr iendship ca n be ma in ta ined without surrende rin g the principl e of indi– vidua li ty or sacrificing one's persona ljudge– ment.

Sigma Chi 141

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