Alcala Yearbook 2004

Ph i Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, Inter– national is a profess ional serv ice organizat ion composed of prelaw s tudents, law students, legal educa tors, atto rneys, judge , and gov– ernment officia ls. Phi Alpha Delta was founded in 1902 for the purpose of promoting professional competency and achievement within the legal profess ion. Since its begin– ning, Ph i Alph a Delta ha s experienced as– tounding growth and today is the wor ld's largest law fraternity with over 200 prelaw chapters, 183 law school chapters and 95 alumni chap ters in the Un ited States, Canada, Puerto Rico and Mexico. Phi Alpha Delta is the firs t and onl y law fraternity to recognize the needs of prelaw s tudent and develop a program to help them as they pursue a career in the law. In addition, Phi Alpha Delta is the first and on ly law fraternity to sponsor an annu al international conference and a mock trial competi ti on spe– cifi cally address ing the needs of prelaw s tu– dents. Phi Alpha Delta i the only law frater– nity to receive federal fu nding from the US Department of Ju s tice for its law-related edu– cation program and the first law fraternjty to enter the information superhi ghway. The PAD Pre-Law Li tserve provides a forum for prelaw s tudents to discuss legal topics, programming ideas, and chap ter even ts. The purpose of thi s Fraternity is to form a s trong bond uniting students and teach– ers of the law with members of the Bench and Bar in a fraternal fellowship de igned to ad– vance the ideal of liberty and equal jus tice under law; to s timulate excellence in scholar– ship; to inspire the v irtues of compassion and courage; to foster integrity and professional competence; to promote the we lfare of its members; and to encourage their moral, inte l– lectual, and cu ltural advancement; so that each member ma y en joy a lifetime of honor- ab le profess iona l and public serv ice. Phi Alpha Delta Motto- "Service to the Student, the Schoo l, the Profes– s ion and th e Commun ity." Phi Alpha Delta Declaration of Purpose-

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