Alcala Yearbook 2004

USO ta kes prid e in providing s tudents with th e opportunity to s tud y and li ve abroad while receiving un it towa rd their deg ree . Thi s o nce-in -a- life time expe ri e nc a Ilows s tu– d ents to imme rse th ems Ives in new cultures, lea rn abo ut diffe rent customs, people and lan– g uages, a ll th e while working toward th e ir major a nd /o r mino r. Stud ents return with a mo re we ll-round ed inte rn a ti o nal pe rspec ti ve tha t compliments the educa tion rece ived here at USO. The USO Stud y Abroad Programs Of– fice offers e ighteen a ffili a ted semeste r pro– grams in thirteen different countr ie · and 'eve n s ponsored summer programs, including the G uada laja ra Summer Program, USO's oldest and la rges t s tud y abroad prog ram which be– gan in1963. As today's g loba l community grows, w ho pe that s tud ents continue to take ad va n– tage of thi s enriching experi ence.

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