Alcala Yearbook 2003
.-\cldc: Starting at USO in 1980 . lx:kl\1': More than just a working Ri ckhasa idedintheconstructi on man. Ri ck Hagan keeps hi s fa m– ofman y housing fac ilities such as il y involved with USO by hav ing Miss ions B.Pres idioTerrace .and hi s children attend sports camps most recentl y Tecol ote Vi ll age . while hi s wife teaches a class .
·\ be.w e: Ri c k stand s proudly with hi s excep– ti onal Housing and Res i– dence Life Staff, who has worked hard to complete USD ' s new renovation s. .-\c l dt: Caught hard at work. Rick tri es to think of new ways to improve hous– ing on campus.
.-\[ l d t: Rick Hagan. Director of Housing since 1980.
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