Alcala Yearbook 2003
ChriStopln Wilsore President
As the Pres ident o r Assoc iated Student s it is my j ob to ensure that all responsibiliti es are being met. The bi gge ·t part of my j ob is that of student advocacy . On a dail y bas is. I meet with direc tor . se nators, and . tudenls to address the concerns of students. I also mee t with USD stall members and administ ra tors as an advocate fo r student issues. Some of the issues I have dea lt with thi s year include: drug and alcohol abuse. student safety, hate crimes and bi as moti va ted inc idents. To compl ete my duti es. I also sit on va ri ous committees in the campu s communit y. Whil e thi s j ob entails a lot of time and wo rk. it has been fun . I hi ghl y recommend AS Leadership Team pos iti ons as a way of making a dirfe rence in the USD community.
Aislkl k'l\~or- W d Studentmlcs
Thi s positi on runs the Student Iss ues Board and is the advoca te for all student issues. I T he Stu dent Issues Board is composed of class senators. the Di rec tors of Park ing. (l l Compu ting. Commuter Student A ffai rs. Mult icultu ra l Issues. Social Issues. Women·s ) Center and Academ ic l s~ues. the Secretary of A thl eti cs. as we ll as represenlali es from the Residence Hall Council. the Environment Ac ti on Group. Students and Teachers Aga in~l Rape. Student A thl ete Council. and the Un ited Front. The VP of Student Issues is the li aison between the students and the admin istrati on conce rni ng student concern and issues. Thi s year the position has taken a shi ft in the foc us of soc ial issues. as we ll as log isti ca l issues. Included in these issues are the ri se in the occurrence or hate crimes. changes in the implement ati on o r the ex ual Assault Protoco l. alcohol abuse on campus. the A lternati ve Weekend Programming. the acq uis ition or the Ethnic Studi es maj or and a push for dive rsifica ti on in general educati on. T he V P of Student Issues has wa l k- in offi ce hours in whi ch anyone can come and ex press their concern s and have them listened to and acted on in an efficient manner.
As the VP of Finance. I oversee the management of the$ I00 all undergrads pay in the fo rm of '·AS Fees.'· Thi . money is used fo r everything from bringing concerts and comedi ans on campus. to multi cultu ral prog ramming events. to educati onal deve lopment. and about a milli on other things. As the VP or Finance. I . erve as the Chair of the Assoc iated Students Finance and Budget Committee. and at the Uni versity leve l. I am the Student Representati ve fo r the Uni versit y's Board of Trustees Finance and Budget Committee. My larges t concern as the Finance man is mak ing sure that the students· money i · being spent on things that the students want and need. Although thi s pos iti on in vo lves a lot of hard work. it is an absolute honor and privil ege to be able to surround myse lr with people as remarkable as thi s year· s A. soc iated Students Leader– ship Team. GO BIG !
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