Alcala Yearbook 2003
lh e 11 ·!,o/e JJIII/JO ff o f" ed11 catio11 i.\ to turn 11/irron into 11 ·i11drl\\ ·.\. Ui-iJcrcl~1ss, 11c1L It is a struggl e to reg ist er for c lasses . a strugg le to deal w ith roommates. and even a strugg le !'ind one' s place w ithin U ni ve rsity life . Yet. as life as an underc lassmen lends it se lf to fee lings of uncertainty. there is also the sense of exc itement that comes w ith change. Fres h111en fe I thi s more than an yone el se. as they began the year w ith littl e kn owl edge or what was to come. They are the new bodi es of the Uni ve rsity, and they w i 11 def'i ne th is Uni ve rsity" s future. Despite their seni ority . the sophomores and the juni ors are not far removed from thi s freshmen ex peri ence. They can sti 11 remember w hat is was Iik e to constantl y ask questions and they still walk by their o ld res idenc hall s say ing. --1 re111 e111ber when.. .'· T here is the sense of a cycl e w ithin Uni versity li fe, as one watches the new races e111erge and o ld ones move on to new ex peri nces . T he seni ors hav done what they could and lert the Uni ve rsity w hat they would make of it. It i s now the underc lass 111 en 's turn to assume the rol as the defi ning body of thi s Uni versi ty.
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