Alcala Yearbook 2003
1)(:k'I,· ;ind ~1[ R,~·11[: Shown in the early stages of constructi on. the new cen ter for Sc ience and Tech nology w ill be completed and ready for studen ts in the fa ll of 2003.
Among many changes made to the Uni ve rs ity thi s year, two new additions to the U1l11pJS Additicns campu s included the compl etion of Teco lote Village and the emergence of the new Dona ld P. Shiley Center for Science and Tec hnology. Tecolote Village is a twenty-five mil– li on dollar residence ha ll that was completed in August of 2002. This new community is now home to 356 st udents and includes full kitc hens, living rooms , and even a conve– nience store located on the first floor of the four story building. Student and staff mem– bers alike ca ll Tecolote Village home, as the new building is the University's firs t attempt to bring students and facu lty together in a community li vi ng environment. Still in the construction stage on the West side of campu s, the new Center for Science and Technology plans to improve USD's sc ientific teaching environment. Upon comp letion next fa ll , this building will provide space for the departments of chemistry, biol– ogy, physics, and mar ine and environmental studi es.
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