Alcala Yearbook 2003

Leading the Men's Rugby Club is longtime Head Coach Steve Hern andez, Club Pres ident Alex is Alfaro, and Team Captain Seamu s Keith. □Thi s year's road victory over ASU was the Club 's first road win since becom ing a Div ision I Mcn~s Rugbv Oub ---------------------- -~~~----------~ prog ram fo ur years ago. □The Club has two full sides (teams) of 15+ men. □The A side, or va rsity side. is the compet itive side that competes in confe rence pl ay fo r a spot in the Nati onal Tournament. □The B side large ly consists of roo ki es, playe rs with onl y a year or two of experi ence. and anyone else who wishes to pl ay. □Eac h yea r the Clu b plays eight games. fo ur road contes ts and fo ur home contes ts. □

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