Alcala Yearbook 2003
JANUARY: Calendar of Events
Thurs 30 th Martin Luther King Panel: Panel discussion with the USD Community about Dr. King's Dream today in America. Panelists includes President of 100 Black Men, USD Asst. Dean of Arts and Sciences, Studertts, and Alu1nn.i. Forum AB at 12:00pm.
FEBRUARY: Black History Month
Tues 4 th Black History Month Kickoff Nooner: Con1e enjoy various African American food while the Black Student Union kicks off our Black History Month Celebration. The event is in front of the University Center (UC) at 12:00pm, at USD. Harlem Renaissance Cafe: Indulge yourself in the poetic expressions of poetry created during the Harlem Renaissance period. Also share poetry of your own to commemorate the renaissance. occasion will be in Aron1as at 7:00pm. Keynote Speaker: Angela Davis recounts her experience during the civil rights struggle and her life as a Black Women. Location: Shiley Theatre, 7:00pm Thurs 20 th "Rosewood": Movie viewing followed by a dialogue. You are welcomed at Marvin Banks' house: University Terrace Apartments (UTA's) 1301 Apt A. Showtime 6:30pm. Tues 11 th Mon 17th
Thurs 27 th
Closeout Nooner: San1plings of various African An1erican foods. Location: Outside in front of Hahn University Center (UC),
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