Alcala Yearbook 2003
Sign1a 01i
Ou r g uiding princ ipl es, unc hanged for
T he f und ame nt a l purpose of th e
a lmost I50 years, continu e to defin e the es– sence of S igma Chi . Like a ll Gree k o rgani za– ti o ns, S igma Chi 's idea ls and purposes are se t fo rth in a secre t doc ume nt ca ll ed o ur Ri tual.
Si gma Chi Frate rnity is to c ulti vate an ap- prec iati o n of and commi tment to the idea ls of fri end shi p, justice, and lea rning . These ideals and obj ec ti ves have bee n a t the heart of S igma Chi s ince its fo unding by seven
The spirit of S igma Chi , as conce ived men at Mi ami Uni ve rs ity in Oxford , Ohi o by the Founders, is based upo n the theory that o n June 28, 1855. fri endship amo ng members sha rin g a commo n These seven men be li eved that the be li ef in an idea l and possess ing di ffe rent
temperame nts , ta lents, and conv ict io ns is su– pe ri or to fri ends hi p amo ng members hav ing the same temperaments, ta lents, and conv ic– ti o ns . S igma Chi be li eves that genuine frie nd– ship can be ma in ta ined w itho ut surrenderi ng the princ ip le of ind ividu a li ty or sac rifi c ing one 's pe rsona l judgment.
princ ip les they professed we re imperfect ly rea li zed in o ther fra te rn a l organi za ti o ns. A ltho ugh thi s vis ion o f S igma Chi was based upon the no ti o n of shared idea ls, these men be li eved that tru e bro therhood would thri ve bes t amo ng men of di ffe rent temperaments, ta lents, and conv ic ti o ns.
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