Alcala Yearbook 2003
lx:kw: As a lways. the O-Team leade rs are ready and willing to le nd a lost fres hma n a he lping hand.
·\[ Lei[: O-Team leader Heathe r Hill and one o f the members o f he r fres hme n g ro up are ready for anything during th e square dance .
·\L'\...,l'C: Dressed in the ir best, the peopl e who made it a ll happen . the Ori enta– ti on Board. gathe r toget her. A c Lclt: On move- in day . he lpful O-Team leade rs are a s ight fo r sore eyes to the fres hme n a nd th e ir pare nts .
.·\[ Le([: Show ing th e ir home team pride. these O-Team leade rs break for a pi cture at the Padres game .
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