Alcala Yearbook 2003
The Residence Hall Association is an organization that a ims to improve the quality RHA of life for USD residents . One of RHA ·s main objectives is to assess and report the needs and concerns of those li ving on campus . They a lso plan free events for all housing areas . To kick off this year, RHA helped plan Soy Sauce, which included a free concert that took place in the parking struct ure. T he event was a great success and was on ly a brief g limpse into what RHA had in store for the year to come. They also estab lished individual hall councils for each of the housing areas, and each council planned events of their own. The goal of RHA is to promote a positive li ving environment by sponsoring a combination of social, educa– tional, and community serv ice events. RHA ensures that enjoyable programs are planned throughout the schoo l year. RHA is work ing hard to make li ving on campus the enriching experience that it shou ld be for al l residents.
R.Hr 97
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