Alcala Yearbook 2002

Kappa Kappa Ka ppa Ka ppa Gamma is an o rga ni – za ti on o f women whose purpose is to w1 ite members in a cl ose bond o f fri end– ship, see king to ins ti II in th em a spirit of mutua l love and help fuln ess, so each member may a tta in soc ial, mora l and intell ec tu a l exce ll ence. With thi s in mind , th e sis ters o f Eta Ga mma chaf ter wo rked ha rd at fulfillin g thjs goa , as we ll as hav ing fun a t the same time. We enj oyed a variety of ac tivities thi s yea r from soc ials to be tterin g our commu– nity. Severa lof our phi lanthropic events

included: pa inhng Easter eggs with th e children o f th e USO Child Develop– ment Center and participa ting in th e AIDS walk. Two of o ur mos t pri zed accomp li s hments were winni ng th e Dea n's Trophy and Gree k O lympics. Th e "spa rkl in g sapphires" o f KKG didn ' t stop once thi s yea r. We contin– ued to stay ac ti ve on campus and keep our bond s o fs is terh ood tight. We sha red fun-f ill ed s lee pove rs, a chall eng in g ropes cou rse and bega n the Kaf pa Kup o ur first annu a l mini a ture go l tourna-

ment. Our soc ia ls also brought with them many memorabl e eveni_ngs, such as our exchanges with Sigma Pl1i Epsi– lon and Sigma Clu and our two fo rma ls, Starry N ig hts and Sapphire Ba ll. Each yea r, Ka ppa Ka ppa Gamma continues to show its streng th as a so rority on campus, and we look forwa rd to th e yea rs ahead wh ere o ur love and loya lty ca n be expressed even mo re. Copy Pro– vided by Ka ppa Kappa Ga mma

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