Alcala Yearbook 2001

National Society of

Be low: NSCS membe rs a nd fe ll o" volunteers line up to cheer th e in com– ing runn ers a nd wa lkers tha t pa rtici– pa ted in the AIDS Wa lk.

Collegiate Scholars

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The National Society of Collegiate Scholars was established on the principle that with scholarship comes the responsibility to develop leadership and duty to perform ser– vice. Members are welcomed into NSCS at an Induction Convocation each year. During the Convocation, new members learn about the traditions of the Society and are chal– lenged to become involved in their commu– nity through leadership and service. NSCS is a highly selec tive, nonprofit organization founded a t the George Washington Univer– sity to recognize first and second year stu– den ts who excel academically . This year NSCS participated in many community service events including the San Diego AIDS Walk and the Earth Day Fair. Meetings included pizza and soda and a num– ber of very interesting and encouraging speak– ers.

a tiona l Socie ty o f

A t Right: The

Above: O ffi cers La ura Hea ton, He idi Ro b e rt s, Sa ra Ka te r, a nd Lis a Stevenso n voluntee red for the AIDS Wa lk in Sep tembe r. Community Ser- vice is a ve ry important pa rt o f NSCS.

Co ll egia te Schola rs parti cipa tes a t a loca l commun ity servi ce event.

168 Na tiona l Society o f Co lleg iate Scholars

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