Alcala Yearbook 1999

Colophon The 1998-1999 Alcala. volume 44. is a 246-pt\ge beyond undersLandi11<3 phenomenon (do-do. do-do-do) prinLed on 100-pound liLho 81oss paper by JosLen·s PublicaLions. I know LhaL here I amsupposed Lo lisLLhe fonls I used however. I fo1'80LLheir names.6l.a[f members (me) used Lhree hundred yea,· old macinl.osh compuLos Lo desi8n I.he spreads and creale Lhe copy. OLher equ ipmenL included a very Lempe ramenLal prinler. probably as old as I.he compuLers. More disks Llrnn could ever be in1a3incd and several mysLe riously appearin8 disk labels. Oh yea . I almosL ror30LLhe in famous phoLo croppers and pink pencils. I seLouL Lhis year Lo creaLe a book Lhal besl represenls Lhe people and evenls U1aLmake up Lhe Un ive rsiLy or 6an Die30. This year I had my \Y/ork cul. oul. lex me. I mean lasL yea rs book \Y/ho could Lop Lhal. I \Y/as also hired in Oclober \Y/hen work should have sLarLed on Lhis book I.he i\p,·il before. Besides Lhe shorLened amounLor Lime and bi8 shoes Lo rill. I.his yea ,· is also our 50Lh Anni versa ry and Lherdore more imporlanL Lhan ever. The cover was desi3ned \Y/ il.h I.he Universil.y's colors or blue and \Y/hile lo k ep up wil.h Lh LradiLion. The l.heme. conLinuin 0 Lhe vision. \Y/as creal.ed Lo 30 alo113 \Y/il h Lhe school's 50Lh i\nniv rsary I.heme or TradiLion \Y/ il.h Vision. This Lheme was believed Lo be Lhe mosLobvious choice because il nol only rep1·esenls Lhe Anni versa ry. bu l il represenls I.he sl.udenls and Lheir vision or noL only Lhe Uni versiLy buL life ilself'. This years book was dedicaled l.o Dr. /\lice ~\ayes because ii. \Y/as rel LLhal she besl represenled Lh campus and Lhe hope~ and dreams for Lhe ft1Lure. 6he deserves Lo be reco3nized for h r hard \Y/ork and commilmenl l.o mainlaini113 Lhe qualiLy of' our school and makin8 improvemenls for Lhe besl. /\Iler immense amounls or Lime and hard \Y/ork Lhis book has f'inally been l1nished. IL could never have been done \Y/ilhoul Lhe dedica Lion and hel p l'romso many. I 0 really appreciale iL because \Y/ iLhouLyour hel p Lhis book would never have been com– pleled and I probably \Y/Ould have losl my mind (okay. so maybe I already did). My Lhanks 30 l.o: Viclor Nic3ro: Lhe JosLen·s represenlalive who helped me 0 really \Y/iLh his paLience and posiLive words. I could never have done Lhis \Y/iLhoul. your supporL and belief in me. l'.d 6hoen: Lhe JosLc n·s who also helped me 3el Lhis book ilnished and undersLood \Y/hen some of' Lhe pa8es where a liLLle laLe. 6usan Paymenl: \Y/hO kepL my spirils up. made Lhe LransiLion inlo Lhis job 8f easy as ~ ible. and kepl L11e lail h in me LhaL I \Y/Ould finish Lhis book. f'>rock 6coLL: lor all Lhe ma 0 niflce nL sporls phoLos and Lh undersLandi113 abouL deadlines and LhaL I can c3el a Iii.Lie crazy. 6porls Cenler: for sLaLisLics. bullelins. and roslers Lhal helped made Lhe sporls seclion \Y/haL iL is. The Archives. ParenL Qelal.ions. /\lumni QelaLions. and Communily 6ervice l.earninci for conlinual conLribuLion and cooperaLion. i\8 O [kers and Direclors: for phoLos. supporl. copy. and encourac3eme11L i\11Lhe Clubs: alLho118ha liLLle laLe you slill came Lhrou 0 h \Y/hen imporLanL \Y/ il.h phoLos and copy. Ted Donovon and Lhe V16Ti\: for supplyin3 disks. candy. supporl. informalion. and the comedy re lief Llial. made worki113 on Lhe yearbook mor enjoyable. i\nd flnally I \Y/Ould like Lo 3ive a special Lhanks Lo t\nd,·e\Y/ 8Luarl. my faiLhf'ul phoLo 0 rapher for al\Y/ays bein 0 ready \Y/ilh his camera and l.aki113 fabulous piclmes. i\ special Lhanks also 0 oes l.o i\bby Woelke whose commiLmenl lor as lon 0 as possib\e \Y/as c3r apprecialed. You made my life so much easier and iLwas fi,n \Y/Orki113 wilh you. i hope eve1ylhinc3 is 0 oin3 well and you will be back nexL year. for Lhose slalf mem– bers. or shou ld I say former sla ll' members LhaLdecided LhaLLheir 3oa l Lhis year was Lo make my life miserable and sLressfi,I. you succeeded. I would also like Lo Lhank Jesse Merri 0 an f'or nol resisLinc3 me Lears and comin 0 in and helpin 0 me 0 el Lhis book ilnished. WiLhoul your hel p I never would have done il. I would also like lo l.hank a few personal people LhaL \Y/ilhouLLh ir help I nol only \Y/Ould have never finished Lhis book buLI would lrnve probably been commiLLed Lo Lhe loca l saniLarium: frica Qucci. my besL f'riend and roommaLe r or her help and undersLand– i113. WilhouLher support. and \Y/ays of al\Y/ays makin 0 me lau 0 h I don'L Lh ink I could have done iL: [rin Masaki. \Y/hose nol. only my Qi\ buL 0 reaL l'riend for her lisLenin 0 skil ls and 0 reaL advice: Lhe resLor 6an Qaph. Third \·'loor (includin 0 Lhose honora,y inhabilanls Tricia and Trisha) for al l Lheir undersLandi113. supporl. comic relid and prevenlion of sleep (I mean il \Y/Ouldnl be a day \Y/ilhoul. me runnin& Lhrouc3h l he halls screamin 0 \Y/iLh me arms rlai lin 0 ). You 3uys are Lhe b sl! To my family Lhank you so much for lislenin3 and 0 ivinc3 me all your supporl. i\llhou 0 h Lhis was a ve,y slressfiil year. I love \Y/Orkinc3 on I.he yearbook and I appreciale all your help. To IleaLher I.hank you so much for Lalkin3 Lo me and helpin 0 me c3el Lhis book fi nished. I amsorry f'or callinc3 you only when I amCl)'ill8 and slressed. buL you supporL is 0 reaL rully supporLed and I will never lor 0 el. Lhe old Limes (PloLThickens!) I 0\Y/C a lo\. or people Lhanks for hel pino me finish Lhis book and if' I for<30L Lo personally Lhank any or )'0ll. I amSOI'!)' buL your help is appreciaLed.

Marissa PosL l~diLor


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