Alcala Yearbook 1999

ove r 14,000 Farme rs Agents already enj oy. If that 's the kind of career you thoug ht about befo re yo u went co co ll ege , a career in a profession buil t on trust , caring and dependabi lit y, please give us a call. We' ll show yo u just how profitable you r college education can be . For more information about how you and Farmers can build a future together, call: Barry Crosby, Division Marketing Manager at (760) 93 1-7470. akeyour ha lot more.

If yo u spent t housands of doll ars to ge t a coll ege deg ree , but fi nd it 's not worth as much as you thoug ht , we' d like to recommend a course of action . To call the Farmers Insurance Group of Compani es. We' ll make your deg ree pay off. A company that will g ive you the bes t training (we'll even pay you whil e yo u lea rn), best insurance products, strong support , and perhaps, most importantly, your inde– pendence . You will be able to se t your own goals. And ac hieve the virtually unlimited earning potential that Farmers college degr

America can d ep e nd o n Farme rs.

It's not your pa rents' world. Global risks, e-commerce, mergers, acquisitions ...there's a lot more to worry about today. And a lot more reasons for people of all shapes, sizes and ages to turn to Arthur Andersen for help.

Our best wishes to the Class of '99. And please let us hear from you.

ARTHUR ANDERSEN Helping in ways you never imagined. 5 "'


Arthur Andersen ,ele1S to 1heUS twm ol Anhu, Andersen UP and other memb11s ol 1he Arthur Andersen glob1I cbent HMce networkCl1998 Arthur Andersen An ngh1s reserved

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