Alcala Yearbook 1999
Bt'lo\\·: 1 u ,rnL' ~hould lc,1,·L' for the d,,nce " ·ithuul laking pi cture~ of,,,._ ervune luok ing i-!1cir be~l 1
cLobc r 17Lh saw I.he t.1 ·ansfonnaLio11 or
l he De l Mar h:1ir8rot111ds inl.o an Island Paradise. The
el 8anl. di1111c r. compld . wilh hors d'oeuvrcs and a
delectable dese-rl buff l.. b 8an liom comin 0 1998 lex
many ·l ud nt ~- l"or
l hers. Lhc c ve11in8 ollicially b ~8an
Kin8 and Qu_e
Mat.I. Knol.t. and Krist.en LJ011ecl\. danced l h
l.radil io11al
lirsl d811ce lo8cl.h - r.
Ov r six
lnllld1· d peopl
aU.e11d d the 0 ala v nl. Lili~ y ar. and v ')'One had an
unfo, eveni118.
phomor 6han11011 Coodca1-le
r marked t.haL.
'" I!om comi11cs wa ' so much ltlll.
It. wa..;
v ,yon all dr ~'\ed up.··
<~,i-ea l. lo )',ee
ve rn ll. Lile
rand d81lce
d i1111
w re a htl8 Sl!CC
Lo Lh
/\ssocial.ed 8l.ud .11Ls led by
,c . P,·e~id nl. or
Pro 0 rarnrnin 0 .
1/.illiox . and /\.8. &x:ial Direct.or.
Ch ryl Ilamilt.011. The d dicat.ed &x:ial mcmbe,·s did an
Homecoming Dan ce 17
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