Alcala Yearbook 1999

Aikane Ollawaii Aikane O' Hawaii seeks to

pron1ote Hawaiian culture to the USD community and provides support for the ne"'' or transfer s tuden ts fro1n the Hawaiian Islands, assisting the1n in their transition to can1pus life . filipino U80-ayan 0tudents Organimtio

s tud ent. " Ugnc1 y c1n" trc1n s lc1tes to link or unite . "FUSO" see ks to provid e our m embe rship with oportunities to lec1rn more about th em selves ct nd the beauty of the Filipino culture.

The Filipino "Ugn c1yc1n " Stud nt Orgc1 ni zc1 tion con sid e rs the culturnl id entity, se lf-es teem , c1 cc1 d emi c p rformc1n ce c1nd th e holis ti c d eve lopment of the Filipino-Arn.eri can


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chc1nged , the group' s purpose rernc1ins the c1rne a s they concentrnte on ca mpu s unit y. Th e fe llowship organi z c1 tion of undergrc1d ua te men and w ome n who c1re both gc1 y and non-gc1 y, off e r s friend s hip , allic1nce and mutuc1l c1 s is tance to s tud ents working through th e process of embrncing their sexua l ori enta tion .

SA ESO , S tud nt Allictn c Embrn cin g Sexu c1 I Ori e ntc1tion , d1 c1 ng d its name lc1 s t yec1r to PRIDE, c1 n ct n, e more ea sil y recogni z d c1nd unders tood on campus . In ct n e ffort to becom e ct be tte r resource to s tud ents, the organi zc1tion hc1s d e ci icc1 ted itself to becoming more visibl e o n cc1 mpu s . Whil e th e nc1m e JT1c1 y hc1 ve

Women's Center

Agains t Women Awc1renes W ek, c1nd various programs c1nd events throughout th e yec1r. We s trive to in creas campu s awc1reness of iss ues su ch as rape, ec1ting di sord e rs, sex i m , sexuctl ha rrn ssm ent c1 nd s tereoty p s.

Th e Wome n's nter is an orgc1nizc1tion inte res ted in he ig htening the c1wc1reness of the wom en c1nd m en of th e USO community. Th e Wome n's Cente r committee is re pon "ibl e for plc1nning Wome n ' · Hi s tory Month , Viol en ce

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L, n il ,•d Fron t

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