Alcala Yearbook 1999

Phi Epsilon

6 i 0 m3 J)hi [ p,;ilon t ecume Farl or lhe Cl eek communil y al l16D in lhc rull ol 1908. Known widely n" "6i 0 Cp... Ihe colony i,; part ol Ihe lar 0 e"l ern il y in the nation. with over 250 chDpl er,; lhrou 0 houl lhc lUS.. includin 0 ,;cvcml in ~ ulhc rn Calilornia. l'or lhc i:a"l 15 yea r.;. more men have joined 6ii:; 1:p Limn any other r, alc rnily Th ' U6D chupl 'r ol 6ismo Phi J':p,;ilon i,; part icip,1ins in Ihe l".>;dunl'Cd 'Ian Projcl l : a COlll~)rehc n,;ivc rrosrnm CfC3lCd in 1991which ,;cLs; l he ..tandmd , lor nil nc,x· 6i5 l:p chapter,;. The pro 0 rJmrequires; l hol all member,; or I he or5oniz,1l ion mu ,;[ po,,;c.,,,; I he I rail ,; or d lc,Kic f'. d "-<:hobr. an al hlc lc. and a 0 c nll 1mm 1:vc ry a,;rccl d lhc pro 0 in ,;ufC>, lhc member,; five up lo the c xrccl alion,; ol t'Sis 1:p',; mi ...,ion -, emc nl: "l".>uildini:; l".>alonced I.cod rs; ror 1\rneric.1,; Communi .. L l i ,.,_ 1'.li 0 ibilily requircmc nL,; ror rnember..hip include <1 cumuk1livc Cradc l)oinl \ \'er.i 0 c or al ic_,.,1 10. p,11lilip,1lion in co11111111nily ..crviLe evenI "· c.nmpu ., ,Kl ivil ic., .ind or 0 ion". ,111d ol hlcl ic end · avor... Muny mcmbe1., or ,i'iii:; IJ) p,1rl icipal c in vorious; imporlonl role., ,11 t16D. includin 0 member,; ol lhc i\ ...>,CCiol ed 61udc nl .,, llniver,;ily 1ini.,Lry. lhc Aldo Club. o., we ll a,; l he 1:dil or in Chic! or lhc under 0 rudualc ne,, ,;paper. lhc V18 1A li°iincc lhe ,;[,11 l or Ihe colony, l he memt ' I ii ol t'li5 1:r have p:.ulicipalcd in ,;uch w mmunily .;crvic event ,; a,; ~i5hl Without 6hellc r. Ihe 1".>IOLx! Drive. l rb,111 Plun 0 c. lhe Civin 0 Tree. u,; ,,·ell" " the l)r o jcc. l ' I ' rc.y hou.,;c buildin i:; in Ti juan,1. Our ~)a!licipalion wil h l)ro jccl Mercy W(lli kulured 0 11 Ilic lronl pai:;c ol lh - tli,111 Dici:;o .;eelion ol lhc Union Tribune in November of 1998. 6 i 0 ma Phi I. \ iion ork rs; k llow,;hip. the oppoilunily lo expc..:rien-c pcr,;onol 0rowlh drKi brolhc rhl d while in pur.,;11il 0 1 excellence. ( C'f"' ,11hnir 1 ·,i tw ,~,f nu Ph, 11 • ·1011

igma l, hi Ep~ilon 12 1

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