Alcala Yearbook 1999
VicePt4esidetltofFitlatlce: Bill Quitltl The Vice Presidenl of Finance is ar8uably Lhe mosl slressful j ob on Lhe /\ ociaLed 6Ludenls Leadership 'l'eam, and as any member o f lhi years l~xecutive Board will Lei! you, !')ill Qg_inn handled Lhe posilion in a professional manner while still mainlainin8 a sharp wil LhaLcould make any meelin8 enjoyable. Throu8houL l he year, Bi ll could be found in hi o ffice even more l han in lhe classroom, and his dedication lo lhe sLudents and or8aniza tions was al all Limes apparent. The chair of both lhe f inance and the __=:I Budgel CommiLLe , Bill also he lped pioneer the development of the MulLi-Cullural l:>uciget Commitlee in the ·prin8 of last year before his term in o ffice even be8an. /\side from all Lhe numbe rs and paperwork lhou8h, Bill will be best remembered for his uncanny abilily lo pu ll off lasl-minule miracles fo r !ale requesls, for wa lkin8 like "Lhe weasel," and for hi ever-present wil (i.e . applica tion for homecoming dales). Bill Qg_inn: a 8ood man, a 8reaL VP of t inance. By Mike Zilliox.
When Lryin8 Lo describe Mik and his aclions within /\6, Lhe word "busy" came Lo mind on several dirfe renL occasion . /\ Lhe VP o f Pro8rammin8, like was conslanlly dealin8 wilh crises and i ues re8ardin8 Lhe pro8rammin8 of seve ral diffi renl o r8anizaLions on our campus. Beyond l hat. Mike was always willin8 Lo 80 beyond hi j ob descripLion Lo help d ireclors and o lher sludents compleLe Lasks for ·peci0 evenls. He has alway struck me a Lhe Lype of person who can have all of Lhese d ifferenL projects up in Lhe air and mana8e Lo caLch lhem all. The /\6 Leade r hip Teamand l h /\ssocialed 6 ludenl Body were lucky Lo have Mike l his year. By Bill Qg_inn
t'or Lhe pasL Lhree years I have seen liollee work Lire lessly Lo serve Lhe Ludenl body. This yea r he r deLerminal ion, enLhusiasm, and bound less ener&>' have brou8hl life lo Lhe /\6 Leader ·hip l'eamas well as lo her position. Ho llee has neve r been afraid lo sland up for whal the students want and believe, and because of Lhis has 8ained the re peel of those around he r. 6he chaired the 6tudenl lssues I oard. 6he never quiL until an issue was resolved! In order to make sure the student voice was hea rd across campus, she continued lhe" tudents peak out" booth as we ll as puttin8 up su88eslion boxes around campus. liollee was committed Lo r presentin8 the issues o f !\LL students and respeclin8 Lhe d i8nily and d iversily of all peopl . 6 he ha an endless amount of lrenglh and courage Lhal allowed he r Lo ' uccessfu lly deal wi Lh facu lty, administration , and ludenls on various issue . ll ha been a privile8e Lo work wiLh llo llee on Lhe xecul ive board and lo sec he r hard work come lo life. Thank , llo llee! By K.risLen Jones
Associated Students 103
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