Alcala Yearbook 1998


< Chumbawamba's hit single

"Tubthumping" brings long-awaited success lo this British band. The song becomes popular al pro sports events, kicking off games for several teams.

Rap artist the Notorious 8.1.G. is illrd in a March 1997 drive-by shooting in LosAn~eles. He is posthumously awarded M'N's I997 Brst Rap Video Award for "Hypnotize" and 1s named Spi11 magazine's Artist of the Year.

► Fiona Apple, 20, one or rock's female superstars, is named

M1Vs Best New Artist in aVideo. Her single "Criminal" soars lo the lop of the charts.

~ With their hit single

"MMMBop," three young brothers from Tulsa become one or the biggest breakthrough acts of 1997 as U1e

A Lilith f'air, an all-female summer rock concert, draws large crowds on its

band Hanson.

37-stop tour. Canadian singer-songwrile Sarah McLachlan masterminds the festival and releases ahit album,Surfacing.


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Smash Mouth popularizes agenre of allPrnative rod known as nro ska with its hit single "Walkin' 011 the 51111" aml 1lebut albu1u F1JS!1 Yn Man.~.

M-'rJ/k T/11:S- War: Till' A11to/Ji11,11mph1 ofAems111it/J chronicles the long career of the band notorious for its rxcrssrs in the '70s ;md '80s. "111r group's nf'w alh11111 Ni1w /,ires is nominated for a1998 Gra111111y.

Country music- snp1•rsl,ir C,arthBrooks rrk·as1·s .l"ff1'11s. his first alhum in two years. Thr album sells 800.000 ropirs the first wrrk.

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