Alcala Yearbook 1998

Science ~~-('. '' ·~, . "

Viewers worldwide see the rirsl-ever high-resolution color pictures of Mars when the Pathfinder spacecraft lands July 4. The lander and its rover, Sojourner, collect and transmit extraordinary data for threemonths.




for $8.36 million, Chicago's Field ~l11s1•11111 of 'idlnral History buys "Sue," the most complr tt· 1_\·ra1111osm1111, rex fossil yet discovered. The sale 1J1TursOctober 1 al Sotheby's in New York.


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Russia's aging Mir space station collides with an unmanned supply vehicle in June and is seriously damaged. This is only one in a series or crises casting doubt on the viability of the station.

In September, CAT scans of petrified dinosaur eggs found in China reveal a dinosaur embryo.

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Scottish scientists in Frhrual'\· Im announce the world's first cloning of an adult mammal. Tlw shPrp, named Dolly, fuels conlrowrsy ovrr possible misuse of the tech 11olo~i-




Haah Fuel cells that convert a fuel's energy directly into electricity are being developed for use in cars, making possible an efficient, low-emission car of the future. The first prescription pill for male-pattern baldness is approved by the Food and Drug Administration in December. The drug Propecia is made by Merck and Company.

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Aided b1· lhc llutJble Sparr Telesrnpr. aslrononwrsdisrnvrr the Pistol Siar thr hrighl!'st star 1·1·1 uhserl'Pd i11 llw MilkyWay. Thr Pistol Siar is l S.000 light years fro111Earth.

The popular dit'I rt'gi111t·11 f,·n-phrn is pnlledorr thr nm krl i11 Seplrmhrr. Theco111binalio11 of fcnfluraminr and phr 11tcr111i111· is shown lomuse lwarl valvr disor

i{rs<'archprud11rc·s 111r rlirnl brrak– thro11ghs, i11rl11dingagrn('lin1llv r nginrPrl'rl "IJ11llr t" 1nolrrnlt• Iwing t,·str rl lo fight 1·a111·1•r and ll<'W drugs to control or prrvr nl Parkinson·s diseasr·. osll'Opnrosis ;md ro11gc•stiv1· ht-art fail11rt'.

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