Alcala Yearbook 1998

Elaine M. Lewis

Jacob McGuire Emry

Happy to be here ... Congratulation Son! Reach for your dreams. You have alway known what you have wanted. Your focus and hard work is admirable and we are o very proud of you and all that you have accompli hed. Thank you for another wonderful memory. We love you very much. May God ble

Love, Mom, Dad, Sherry & Sue

you alway .

Love, Mom, Dad, Dawn, Tex, & Maddy Jamie Elizabeth Fatheree Our Dear Jamie, At four, your inner and

Gregory W. Mitchell

Congratulations Greg. You've always paved your own path and continue to do so. As you travel life's road, remember, dreams do come true! Always trust your heart and be true to yourself. We love you, Greg, and are more proud of you than words can express.

outer beauty were evident to everyone, but especially to your fami ly. At 21 , we are o proud that the inner beauty has kept pace with the outer. Your hard work and dedication have far exceeded our fondest

hopes for you. No parent could be more proud or love their child more than we do at this mi lestone in your life. Love you , pancake, . Mom, Dad, and Mom-Mom KarlJablinskey __ ____, Dude, Cong ratu lations! We are a ll very

May God richly bless your life. You truly bless ou rs . Love, Mom, Dad & Shannon Elloise V. Tonder Bennett

Congratulations Elloise! We are proud of you and all your achievements . May all your dreams come true and God be with you everyday of your life. Love , Dad, Mom & Lecinda

proud of you. Wishing you happi ness and conti nued success in the future. With much love, Mom, Dad & Li sa



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