Alcala Yearbook 1997

Jill Elizabeth Jackson

From Ballet to Running, Hurdles and Lacrosse - Always Giving your Best.

Our Little Jilly Bean, taking her first look at the world

God has truly blessed us with you as a daughter. Your sweetness, honesty and integrity will carry you through life. There are no prouder parents. We love you beyond words. To our future "Dr. Jilly" • • • Mom, Dad, Brian, Casey & Sam ••

Ever inquisitive and tasting all that life has to offer.

Devin I2obert Vol~ Our lives have been blessed by the immeasurable amounl of happiness and fun you have brou8hl us lhrou8houl the years. We have enjoyed all of the soccer lhrills, sports events and have been so proud of your accomplishmenls. Your hard work and perseverance have been reFlecled in your success. Most of all we appreciale lhe special, carin8 person lhal you are. As you complele your colle8e career al U8D and be8in a new phase of you life, we wish you much happiness, success and fulfillmenl in whalever path you choose. We love you and are proud of you! Mom and Dad

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