Alcala Yearbook 1997

Julie Michele Jencks Julie, Julie, Julieeeeeee.......WOW!!!!!!! We never doubled your abilily, your devolion, your heart or the outcome when you lefl l o 80 lo the University of oan Dief30. Now lhal you are 8radualin8, we cannol help bul 8el emotional over the dream lhal you made come lrue. Wilhoul a doubl t his experience sets you apart, for you have proven lhal you can rneel lhe cha1len8es to be whalever you wanl l o be. Your fulure is as boundless as the love and pride we feel for you. All our love, now and forever, Morn, Dad, and Kalhy

CONGQATULATION8, JU8TIN! Thank you for brin8if18 such joy, lau8hter and love into our lives: 00 very proud of you. With all our love, Mom, Dad, and 8tefen.

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Ne re very proud ~I yoa _I roiLow your dreams one/ we w/JL always be -//;ere lo Lore To i½coLes /r/e/Jds , most e,;;;>ec1aLLy -ddr/e/Jne / Susie , al'Jd Joa/? ... 9ot1 ore very 1 1 spec/al I Ma9' a/L your .. , . .- . drecuns come lrve. ~- -· .- f Congraluiol1e>f!s ,l _: ,.~::f · ~ #oM ( PCld .· . •.,;. !.,...~ ·• ·• ,,_._ oi-.c..c> -'~•-L ◄ ... .:•.. ~~· •• and su;;JJort y'ov. .



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