Alcala Yearbook 1997


There are those who are forlunale enou8h

Lo em.brace all LhaL life i . You have alway lived in a way LhaL pills over Lo those around you. You are a special 8ifl Lo us and Lo Lhe world.

i\11 Our Love Momand Dad


With a lot of hard work and much determination you have succeeded in fulftllin8 your 8oal . We are all o proud of Lhe Lhin8s you have accomplished. You will always have our love and supporL in whatever you choo for your future. Much Love, Mom0 Dad Todd 0 Cina


You are truly a unique treasure! Your heart, your smile, your talent, your pictures and, most of all; your tenacious "never-say-die" determination will brin8 you much deserved happiness and success. follow the bounciD8 ball, Bijoux, we're ri8ht there with you...and very proud! Love, Mom, Dad 0 the Peyrebrune "Gan8"

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