Alcala Yearbook 1997

Katie McCoff We love you and we are so very proud of you. Wishil18 you a future full of happiness and success. Congratulations. Love, Mom, Grandma and Julie

Most excel lent son brings joy and great honor to family. Charlie Kennedy Congratulations!! Love, Mom, Dad, and 8teve JENNifEQ LOTIA Y U tlAVE EXCEEDED /\LL OUQ EXPECTATION&, MAY YOU QE/\LIZE /\LL YOUQ DQEAM&.

Marla Murphy Cofl8ratulations! You should feel so proud as you receive your diploma from U&D. You set yourself agoal and you overcame all obstacles until you achieved iL We Loo are proud of you. May your future ventures


hold the fulfillment of your greatest hopes and dreams. We love you very much. Dad and Grandma

Michael: &cond &:m, Third Graduale, first Comedian, firsl l"lousekeeper. Bis Muscle. Mr. &Lripe Polo &hirl, Mr. Delail, Our first i\ccountanl. and Our Bis Cuddly Bear... ConsraLulalions!! We are sure proud of the person you have become. We look forward to sharins many more excilins years wilh you. Luv, Momand Dad, Jenifer, Tom, and Kalhleen

Dear Marla,

I am so proud of you! You are my "/\ngiolino." Congratulations &Lella for completing your education in four years. I wish you the very b Lalways. I love you so very much. tlug and Kissses, Mom xoxoxoxoxoxoxox

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