Alcala Yearbook 1997

Campus Connections is fill or8ru1ization of sludent.s. sponsored by ilie Office of Dru8 and Alcohol Education. with the inleol lo educe.le and promote awarene&3 of difficult issues on U&Ds campus. The group offers many prqgrams and events dealin8 with such issu~. while encou~in8 U&D sludenls lo maintain heallhy lifestyles. Campus Connections sponrors Alcohol and Drug A'\taren~ Week €> well as AID& Awareness eek. Campus Conneclio!Vi has doubled in numbers over Lhe pasl couple yea , and pt~des it.self on lls members. gelher, lhese sludoo~ hold a ent body, whi.l(t ~mbodying a lrue spirit of I adershi on8 lheir peers. 8enuine concern for U1e U&D


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