Alcala Yearbook 1997
The BroLherhood or Phi Kappa Thela came Lo Lhe U&D campus in 1963. &ince Lhen. we have developed a rich and proud Lradilion or leadership, service. and rriendship. Over Lhe years, Phi Kappa Thela has had an exlensive social calendar LhaL ran8es rrom Lhe beaches or QosariLo Lo Lhe resorls or Palm &pri0c3s. Our mosL noLable social evenls year were our Club Dead and To8a parlies, boLh provided a social ouLleL ror over 300 U&D sLudenls each. Today, we sland more Lhan 50 broLhers slro0c3. Our members parlicipaLe in OrienLalion, Qesidence Lire, Campus Minislry, i\ssociaLed &Ludenls, QOTC. and even work in Lhe Ornce or U1e PresidenL We are proud or our abiliLy Lo reach so many areas or campus lire and reel our slren8Lh comes rrom our diversiLy.
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