Alcala Yearbook 1997

The &i8mB Chi lnLe rnalional rraLerniLy was founded in 1855 aL Miami niversiLy in Ohio. cl,ince Lhe foundi~. &igma Chi has slrived lo inslill in iLs members Lhe high ideal of friendship. juslice. and learning. The fraLerniLy alro provides Lhe broLhers wiLh B sLBndard of inLegriLy. 8ood cilizen"1hip. academic excellence. honor. and ideals for B purpo.seful li fe. Uc>D's TheLB Lamdo ChopLer wo"1 chorLered in \lay of 1984. 6 ince Lhen. U1e froLe rniLy has become an aclive and posiLive force in Lhe UniversiLy communiLy. M ny or U1e chapLe r's oclive on-campus oclivilies include leadership posilio ns in A&. IF . and olher leadership posilions in universiLy clubs and or8anizolions. PhilonLhropy is on imporLonL 80BI o f Lhe broLhers o r Thelo Lamdo. who hove won U6D's C ivin8 Tree since iLs inceplion. TheLB Lamdo also parlicipaLeoi in 6 igma hi's lnLernalional philonLhropy. Children's liracle Nclwork. The chapler also boasLs membership in Lhe 6 urfride r foundaLion and parLicip Les in a recycling pro8ram lo help Lhe e nvironme nl. Thela Lamdo's aclive social role is evidenL in e ve nLs such as 1-Iowl BL U1e Moon. 6weeLhearl Ball. Derby Days. and various oLher excho~es wilh sororiLi . TheLB L mda·s success is aLLribuLed solely Lo Lhe sLrengLh of Lhe brolherhood o f &i8mB Chi. "I IIOC &IC 0 VI E&"

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