Alcala Yearbook 1997

Greek Rush Qush iBa period when rralernilies and sororilies hold evenls so Lhal any sludenl inle re led in lhe Creek yslemhas lhe opporlunily lo meeL Lhe members o f each chapLer. f o r students who know lhey wanl Lo j oin Lhe Greek y Lem, rm,h i a chance Lo und lhe chapLer lhey feel mosLcornforLab le wiU1. for Lhe sludenls who aren'L sure if Lhe C reek li fe is ri8hL for Lhem, rush i their chance l o find ouL

Even for Ludenls who have no in tenLion of j oinin8 a C reek or8anizalion, rush is a 8reaLexperience. Qush allows for lhe deve lopmenl of an imporLanL kill which i o flen used in life colle8e. Meelin8 and talkin8 wiLh new people abouL oneself and ones inle res i exaclly Lhe process by which anyone would find a j ob. MeeU~ new people and makin8 new friends is alway a 8iven durin8 ru h. Greek li fe ha much Lo offer ils rushees, incl ud i~ leadership opporlunilies, alumni conlacls, ocial aclivilies, communiLy service, personal deve lopment and lifelon8 rriend hips. Go Greek! -lnle rfrale rnily Council Qush PamphleL 1997


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