Alcala Yearbook 1997

Delta 8i8ma Pi is a professional fralernily or8anized lo fosler lhe sludy of business in universilies; lo encoum8e scholarship, social activity and lhe associaUon of studenls for their mutual advancemenl by research and pmclice; to promote closer affilialion between lhe coffi.1Ilercial world and sludents of coffi.1Ilerce and lo further a hi8her slanda.rd of coffi.1Ilercial et.hies and culture and the civic and commercial welfare of lhe community. These words have slood as the purpose and mission of our fmlernily since 1907. They only one dimension of our coffi.1Ililrnent to providin8 lhe 8realest opportunilies for business, economic and accounlin8 sludenls lo 8row and develop in a soci~l and professional alrno phere.

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