Alcala Yearbook 1997

&ludying abroad is more limn ju l a colle8e semesl er al a diffe renl school and in anolher counlry. ll is a 24-hour, four lo six. monlh experience in a new life. You leave all your worries, slress and problems back in lhe U.&. and slarL anew. You finally have your chance lo do whal you've always wanled: To simply live day by day. You discover how l o "savor" lime inslead o f j usl "{ il. In this process, you nol only learn aboul a new people, lan8Ua8e, and cullure, bul, mosl imporlanlly, you learn about yourself Our semesler in &pain was a cal aly L Lo beco1Ilin8 bil in8ual. UnUI we lived lhe cullure, we really d idnl "learn·· the len8ua8e. Our lives have shi fled focu l o a conUnued search for more "&pani h knowled8e," may il be al U&D, in Mexico, Cenlral and ooulh America. or &pain. We can honeslly say lhel we learned more about life U1el one seme Ler abroad l han in l he olher seven semesLer el U&D. Anyone who hasnl made up lhe ir m.ind Lo Ludy abroad should realize l hel lhere is NO WAY Lhal you will re8re l 8oin8. This opporlunily mi8hl no l be available laler on so you have lo "f orce IL'' now. You houldnl be debaUn8 whelher Lo 80 abroad or nol. All you need lo do i decide where you are 8oin8 and for how lon8.

By Mall &lrauhal 0 Cameron Arm

Pictured Above: Karey Webber in front of Big Ben, London, England

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