Alcala Yearbook 1997


The Vice Presidenl of fimince for U1e i\srocialed 6Ludenl.s i responsible for budaelin8 and recordill8 all of lhe monies of Lhe 1\.6. Chad chairs lhe finance Com.m.illee. which meels lwice Byear lo drafl lhe 1\.6. semesler budaels. lie also chairs lhe 1\.6. Budael Com.m.illee meelin8s, desi8ned lo appropriale funds Lo clubs and or8Bnizalions for lheir specific pro8rams and needs. Chad arran8ed for an audil of all A.6. accounl.s in Apri l. as wel l. When Chad is nol work.ill8 in lhe A.6. o ffice, he spends much of hi Lime han8in8 oul in lhe Alcala Visla i\parlmenl.s, where he is an QA There you'll mosl likely find him bondin8 wilh his residenl.s or relBXill8 al home as he cheers on one of his fovorile Colorado sporl.s learns. Chad is B fonalic of all lhe CU Boulder pro8rams. as well as beill8 a devoul Bronco, Avalanche, and Qockie fan. On B more personal level, Chad is very easy 8oin8, and makes for B 8real lislener. He is wel l or8anized and focused on where he wanl.s lo 80 in life. rle has B lerrific balance of being someone who likes Lo have lols of fun and beill8 praclical al lhe me lime. Chad always mB.inlain his sense of humor and keeps B posilive ouUook in II silualions. His travels and ex.periei1ces U1rou8hout U1e world. includill8 Europe where he ludied for semesler, have expanded his knowledae, sensilivily and crealivily. Overall, Chad is a 8real assel Lo Lhe U6D Ludenl commu nily Lhrou8h all his leadership and service; nol Lo menlion, he i also B Lrue and loyal friend. VICE P QE&IDENT PQOCQ/\MM INC By Cre8 Johnson MIC tl /\EL L. COQQ/\LE& The besl word lhal comes Lo mind Lhal describes Mike is dynamo. rle is Lruly B dynamo in my eye nol only because of lhe amounl of lime he spends improvill8 lhe quality of our campus, bul also his enUrn iasm for whal he does. Mike is Lhe Lype of person U1BL people wanl Lo be near and wanl Lo be asrocialed with. He is B born leader, which i evidenl by lhe number of leader hip roles he hold on campus. I admire his abilily lo be a posilive role mode l for freshmen as B Qesidenl Assislanl. as well a his aplilude al supervisill8 all lhe Ludenl pro8ram.mer al U6D. IL also 8oes wilhoul sayin8 lhal I che rish his coura8e Lo be lhe Torero mascol. Mike is a 8real asset lo U6D and lhe school is lucky lo have him for anolher year. I know U1al I am ure lucky Lo have known himand I am deli8hled Lo call him one of my friends. If you're ever lookin 0 for someone Lo 8ive advice, Lalk aboul Lhe fulure, or Lo jusl lend an ear, Mike is your man. He's a dynamo!

By Chad lzmarian


C I L\NN/\ M. Q i\ VEN&CQOfT

Cianna Qavenscro fl is truly one of a kind. 6he was lhe sole sludenl voice on many Upiversily com.m.illees. includin8 Universily &nale, Lhe Board o f Truslee Academics Com.millee, and U1e Univer ily's Academic lnle8rily Com.millee. 6he spearheaded the distribution o f Lhe BCBdemic research 0 ranl.s as well as academic pro8ram.m.in8 and issues. 6he also chaired Academics Board. i\llhou 0 h mosl of Lhe work he did was behind Lhe scenes, her work was immeasurably valuable in represenlin 0 Lhe Ludenl body as a whole. This year, she or 0 anized a lucheon for new focully and U1e new ProvosL Dr. frank Lazarus. 1-Jer commilmenl lo her job and lo lhe sludenl body de fined Cianna and spoke well of U1e A cialed 6ludenl.s, bul il is her smile and unique way she views life Lhal brin8 spiril Lo U6D. By Mike Corrales


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