Alcala Yearbook 1997

I volunleered al Lhe Jewish family & rvice and offered Lo help a family of immi8ranls adapl Lo life in America. I fell il was imporlanl Lo 8ive my Lime Lo Lry and help olher immi8ranls like myself in successfully dealin8 wil h Lhe difficullies of adaplin8 Lo a new counlry and cullure. lf I had nol myself 8one Lhrou8h Lhe proce of comin8 Lo America and bein8 helped by olhers Lo undersland a nalion Lhal al fi rst seems confusin8 and bewilderin8, I mi8hl nol have had Lhe palience Lo help Lhis family adapl. There are few Lhin8s in li fe LhaLare as rewardin8 as comcniLLin8 oneself Lo a difficulL projecl and Lhen successfully complelin8 LhaLcommiLLmenL. 1he whole experience of aidin8 Lhis immi8ranl family bene ftLLed me in ways I did nol expecl. f or example, I found LhaLby comcniLLin8 Lo Lhis difficulL proj ecl, and Lhen successfully keepin8 Lhal promise, I 8ained confidence in my abilily Lo deal wilh even more difficulLprojecls in Lhe fulure. I believe Lhe reason I found

volunleerin8 a posilive experience was 1 did nol do it a a form of charily work oul of pily, buL instead knew il would be a learnin8 experience for myself Lhal would be of value Lo my 8rowlh as an individual. by U ama Qeshaid



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